
Full builtin fields list

  • on_pointer_down : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer down event in bubble phase.
  • on_pointer_down_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer down event in capture phase.
  • on_pointer_up : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer up event in bubble phase.
  • on_pointer_up_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer up event in capture phase.
  • on_pointer_move : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer move event in bubble phase.
  • on_pointer_move_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer move event in capture phase.
  • on_pointer_cancel : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler to process pointer cancel event.
  • on_pointer_enter : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when pointer enter this widget.
  • on_pointer_leave : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when pointer leave this widget.
  • on_tap : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer tap event in bubble phase.
  • on_tap_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer tap event in capture phase.
  • on_double_tap : [Box < dyn for < 'r > FnMut(& 'r mut PointerEvent) >]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer double tap event in bubble phase.
  • on_double_tap_capture : [Box < dyn for < 'r > FnMut(& 'r mut PointerEvent) >]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer double tap event in capture phase.
  • on_triple_tap : [Box < dyn for < 'r > FnMut(& 'r mut PointerEvent) >]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer triple tap event in bubble phase.
  • on_triple_tap_capture : [Box < dyn for < 'r > FnMut(& 'r mut PointerEvent) >]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer triple tap event in capture phase.
  • on_x_times_tap : [(usize, Box < dyn for < 'r > FnMut(& 'r mut PointerEvent) >)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer x times tap event in bubble phase.
  • on_x_times_tap_capture : [(usize, Box < dyn for < 'r > FnMut(& 'r mut PointerEvent) >)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer x times tap event in capture phase.
  • auto_focus : [bool]

    • Indicates whether the widget should automatically get focus when the window loads.
  • tab_index : [i16]

    • indicates that widget can be focused, and where it participates in sequential keyboard navigation (usually with the Tab key, hence the name.
  • on_focus : [impl FnMut(& mut FocusEvent)]

    • specify the event handler to process focus event.
  • on_blur : [impl FnMut(& mut FocusEvent)]

    • specify the event handler to process blur event.
  • on_focus_in : [impl FnMut(& mut FocusEvent)]

    • specify the event handler to process focusin event in bubble phase.
  • on_focus_in_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut FocusEvent)]

    • specify the event handler to process focusin event in capture phase.
  • on_focus_out : [impl FnMut(& mut FocusEvent)]

    • specify the event handler to process focusout event in bubble phase.
  • on_focus_out_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut FocusEvent)]

    • specify the event handler to process focusout event in capture phase.
  • on_key_down_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut KeyboardEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when keyboard press down in capture phase.
  • on_key_down : [impl FnMut(& mut KeyboardEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when keyboard press down in bubble phase.
  • on_key_up : [impl FnMut(& mut KeyboardEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when a key is released in bubble phase.
  • on_key_up_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut KeyboardEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when a key is released in capture phase.
  • on_chars : [impl FnMut(& mut CharsEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when received unicode characters in bubble phase.
  • on_chars_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut CharsEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when received unicode characters in capture phase.
  • on_ime_pre_edit : [impl FnMut(& mut ImePreEditEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when received unicode characters in ime pre edit bubble phase.
  • on_ime_pre_edit_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut ImePreEditEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when received unicode characters in ime pre edit capture phase.
  • on_wheel : [impl FnMut(& mut WheelEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when user moving a mouse wheel or similar input device in bubble phase.
  • on_wheel_capture : [impl FnMut(& mut WheelEvent)]

    • specify the event handler when user moving a mouse wheel or similar input device in capture phase.
  • box_fit : [BoxFit]

    • set how its child should be resized to its box.
  • background : [Brush]

    • specify the background of the widget box.
  • border : [Border]

    • specify the border of the widget which draw above the background
  • border_radius : [Radius]

    • specify how rounded the corners have of the widget.
  • padding : [EdgeInsets]

    • set the padding area on all four sides of a widget.
  • global_anchor : [Anchor]

    • use to anchor child position, and the positioning used is relative to the window
  • cursor : [CursorIcon]

    • assign cursor to the widget.
  • margin : [impl EdgeInsets]

    • expand space around widget wrapped.
  • scrollable : [Scrollable]

    • enumerate to describe which direction allow widget to scroll.
  • scroll_pos : [Point]

    • specify the scroll position of this widget, also means that the host widget scrollable.
  • transform : [Transform]

    • A widget that applies a transformation its child. Doesn't change size, only apply painting
  • h_align : [HAlign]

    • describe how widget align to its box in x-axis.
  • v_align : [VAlign]

    • describe how widget align to its box in y-axis.
  • anchor : [Anchor]

    • use to anchor child position, and the positioning used is relative to the parent
  • visible : [bool]

    • Whether to show or hide a child
  • opacity : [f32]

    • Opacity is the degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency.
  • on_mounted : [Box < dyn for < 'r > FnMut(LifeCycleCtx < 'r >, MountedType) >]

    • action perform after widget be added to the widget tree.
  • on_disposed : [Box < dyn for < 'r > FnMut(LifeCycleCtx < 'r >, DisposedType) >]

    • action perform after widget remove from widget tree.
  • on_performed_layout : [impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent)]

    • specify the event handler for the pointer down event in bubble phase.
  • lifecycle_stream : [LifecycleSubject]

    • return the stream of lifecycle.
  • delay_drop_until : [bool]

    • The widget delay the drop of its child until the field delay_drop_until is false, but not affect its dispose event emit time. It's useful to ensure the disappear-animate display fully.
  • fn lazy_host_id(& self) -> LazyWidgetId

    • Return the LazyWidgetId of the host widget, through which you can access the WidgetId after building.
  • fn lazy_id(& self) -> LazyWidgetId

    • Return the LazyWidgetId of the external widget (wrapped with the built-in host), through which you can access the WidgetId after building.
  • fn double_tap_stream(& self,) -> FilterMapOp < MutRefItemSubject < 'static, PointerEvent, () >, impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent) -> Option < & mut PointerEvent >, & mut PointerEvent, >

    • Return an observable stream of double tap event in bubble phase.
  • fn triple_tap_stream(& self,) -> FilterMapOp < MutRefItemSubject < 'static, PointerEvent, () >, impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent) -> Option < & mut PointerEvent >, & mut PointerEvent, >

    • Return an observable stream of tripe tap event in bubble phase.
  • fn x_times_tap_stream(& self, x : usize, dur : Duration,) -> FilterMapOp < MutRefItemSubject < 'static, PointerEvent, () >, impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent) -> Option < & mut PointerEvent >, & mut PointerEvent, >

    • Return an observable stream of x-tap event that user tapped 'x' times in the specify duration dur in bubble phase.
  • `fn tap_capture_stream(& self) -> MutRefItemSubject < 'static, PointerEvent, ()


  • return an observable stream of the pointer tap event in capture phase.

  • fn double_tap_capture_stream(& self,) -> FilterMapOp < MutRefItemSubject < 'static, PointerEvent, () >, impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent) -> Option < & mut PointerEvent >, & mut PointerEvent, >

    • return an observable stream of double tap event in capture phase.
  • fn triple_tap_capture_stream(& self,) -> FilterMapOp < MutRefItemSubject < 'static, PointerEvent, () >, impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent) -> Option < & mut PointerEvent >, & mut PointerEvent, >

    • Return an observable stream of tripe tap event in capture phase.
  • fn x_times_tap_capture_stream(& self, x : usize, dur : Duration,) -> FilterMapOp < MutRefItemSubject < 'static, PointerEvent, () >, impl FnMut(& mut PointerEvent) -> Option < & mut PointerEvent >, & mut PointerEvent, >

    • Return an observable stream of x-tap event that user tapped 'x' times in the specify duration dur in capture phase.
  • fn pointer_stream(& self) -> PointerSubject

    • return the stream include all pointer events.
  • fn request_focus(& self)

    • request the this node to be focused.
  • fn unfocus(& self)

    • removes the focus from this node.
  • fn focus_stream(& self) -> MutRefItemSubject < 'static, FocusEvent, () >

    • Return the stream include all focus and blur events.
  • `fn focus_bubble_stream(& self) -> MutRefItemSubject < 'static, FocusEvent, ()


  • Return the stream include all focus in/out related events.

  • fn has_focus(& self) -> bool

    • return if the widget has focus.
  • fn keyboard_stream(& self) -> KeyboardSubject

    • return the stream include all keyboard events.
  • fn chars_stream(& self) -> CharsSubject

    • return the stream include all chars events.
  • fn wheel_stream(& self) -> MutRefItemSubject < 'static, WheelEvent, () >

    • return the stream include all wheel events.
  • fn mouse_hover(& self) -> bool

    • return if the pointer is hover on the widget
  • fn pointer_pressed(& self) -> bool

    • return if the widget is pressed
  • fn layout_rect(& self) -> Rect

    • return the rect after layout of the widget
  • fn layout_pos(& self) -> Point

    • return the position relative to parent after layout of the widget
  • fn layout_size(& self) -> Size

    • return the size after layout of the widget
  • fn layout_left(& self) -> f32

    • return the left position relative parent after layout of the widget
  • fn layout_top(& self) -> f32

    • return the top position relative parent after layout of the widget
  • fn layout_width(& self) -> f32

    • return the width after layout of the widget
  • fn layout_height(& self) -> f32

    • return the height after layout of the widget
  • fn scroll_view_size(& self) -> Size

    • return the scroll view of the scrollable widget
  • fn scroll_content_size(& self) -> Size

    • return the content widget size of the scrollable widget.
  • fn jump_to(& mut self, left_top : Point)

    • jump to the special position.